
"The Aberrations in the High-Current Plasma Lens"

Andrey N. Dobrovolskii
Institute of Physics of National Akademy of Sciences



Dr.Sci., A.A. Goncharov
Leading Scientist of Institute of Physics of NASU


Dr.Sci., Prof. G.S. Kirichenko
«Kiev Nuclear Research Institute», Head of Plasma Physics Dept.

C.Sci., Prof. V.Ya. Chernyak,
Taras Shevchenko National University, Dept. of Physical Electronics

Profile Organisation:

«Kharkov Physical-Technic Institute»
Institute of Plasma Electronics and New Acceleration Methods

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Dobrovolskii A.N.

The Aberrations in the High-Current Plasma Lens.-

Thesis is for the candidate of physico-mathematical sciences degree by speciality 01.04.04 - physical electronics.- The Institute of physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1999.


The dissertation is devoted to investigation of efficiency manipulating of wide aperture intense ion beam of different elements of low and middle energy by high current plasma lens and effect of lens's aberrations on focus quality. In the thesis is shown what from parameters and as the focusing ability of such lens depends. It is shown, dependence of the lens static characteristics on a configuration of a magnetic field power lines, allocation of an external potential on electrodes and their amount, and also force of a passing ion beam current. The possibility of using of a spherical aberration for handle of the profile of a ion current density on the target in a specific place of an axes Z is shown. The formula of account of the radial profile of a potential in a thin plasma lens necessary for obtaining the homogeneous current density profile of ion beam on the target is offered. Possibility of a construction of a plasma lens without a spherical aberration experimentally is shown and the influence of a momentum aberration is investigated. Is shown as the momentum aberration effect on a wide aperture beam focusing in without the spherical aberration plasma lens and one uses possibility. The formula of account of a beam minimum radius with allowance for momentum aberration is offered. The small-scale oscillations that appearing in absence the spherical aberrations, of an irregular character, the integrated characteristics such dynamical aberration are investigated, and is shown, that the experimental results will be well agreed the outputs of the offered theory of their origin

Key words: high current plasma lens, ion beam of different elements, wide aperture ion beam, low energy ion beam, middle energy ion beam, intense ion beam, spherical aberration, momentum aberration, dynamical aberration.

Publications List

  1. Goncharov A.A., Dobrovolsky A.N., Zatuagan A.V., Protsenko I.M. High-current plasma lens // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science-1993-21, №5 -pp. 573-577.
  2. Goncharov A.A., Dobrovolsky A.N., Kotsarenko A.N. and Protsenko I.M. High-current plasma lens and focusing of intense ion beams // Rev. Sci. Instrum.-1994-65,№4-pp.1-3.
  3. Гончаров А.А., Добровольский А.Н., Koцаренко А.Н., Морозов А.И., Проценко И.М. Статические и динамические свойства сильноточной плазменной линзы // Физика плазмы 1994-20, №5, С. 499-505
  4. A.A. Goncharov, A.N.Dobrovolsky, I.V.Litovko, I.M.Protsenko and V.F.Zadorodzny "High-current plasma lens: new results and applications"//Rev.Sci. Inst. vol.67, no3, March, 1996, pp. 1155-1157.
  5. A.A. Goncharov, I.M.Protsenko and A.N.Dobrovolsky "Characteristics of low-energy intense ion beam formation and transport" Rev. Sci. Inst. vol.67, no3 March, 1996, pp. 1073-1075
  6. Гончаров А.А., Добровольский А.Н., Задорожный В.Ф. О трансформации радиального профиля интенсивного ионного пучка плазменной линзой // ЖТФ, 67, №8, 1997, стр. 97-99.
  7. A.N. Dobrovolsky,. A.A.Goncharov, I.V.Litovko, I.M.Protsenko , V.F.Zadorodzny Role of aberrations in Highcurrent plasma lenses // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science-1997 -25, №4 - pp. 709 -713.
  8. Goncharov A.A., Dobrovolsky A.N., Zatuagan A.V., Protsenko I.M. High-current plasma lens // XVth Intern. Sumposium on Disharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV). Darmstadt, Germany-1992, September-pp. 698-702.
  9. Гончаров А.А., Добровольский А.Н., Затяган А.В., Морозов А.И., Проценко И.М. Исследование сильноточной плазменной линзы // Препринт ИФ АН Украины, Киев-1992, №2 - 25 стр.
  10. Goncharov A.A., Dobrovolsky A.N., Kotsarenko A.N., Protsenko I.M. High-current plasma lens and focusing of intense ion beams // 5th Intern. Confer. on Ion Sources. Beijing, China-31.08-4.08, 1993-p.83.
  11. A.A.Goncharov, I.M.Protsenko, A.N.Dobrovolsky "The peculiarities of low-energy intense ion beams formation and transport"// ICIS'95, Book of abstracts, Whistler, Canada-1995, September 10-16, p. 104.
  12. A.A.Goncharov, A.N.Dobrovolsky, I.V.Litovko, I.M.Protsenko, V.F.Zadorodzny "High-current plasma lens: new results and applications"// ICIS'95, Book of abstracts, Whistler, Canada-1995, September 10-16, p. 127.
  13. Гончаров А.А., Добровольский А.Н., Затяган А.В., Проценко И.М. Исследование процессов в сильноточной плазменной линзе // IX Симпозиум по сильноточной электронике. Россия-Тез. докл.-21-30.07., 1992-С. 97-98.
  14. A.N. Dobrovolsky, A.A. Goncharov, I.V. Litovko, I.M. Protsenko , V.F. Zadorodzny High-current plasma lens: role of aberrations. Proceedings the XVII-th ISDEIV, Berkeley, California, July 21-26, 1996, p. 570-573.

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